I've just witnessed an animation that says it all to me. What my life is all about. What binds my enjoyment of the past, present and the future together. "The creative process". Moments and places will come and go, jobs and opportunities will come and go, friends and relatives will come and go, works of art and stories will come and go. But no matter where I am, no matter where I go, no matter what happens in me life, I will be fine, because I will always have "the creative process". It has always been with me, it is still with me now, and it will always be there til the day I die and, my god... it will be there even beyond the grave. It is the stream that never stops flowing, the wind that never stops blowing, the ember that never stops glowing, the seed that never stops growing. Just me, a block of paper, a pen and my imagination, completely fixed in the moment, enjoying it here and now, not bothered by anything else, the rest of the world coming and going as it always thus in the background. My eternal now.
Thank you so much for creating this, this window to my life, so that I could see it all. Thank you ❤❤❤