oh cool, math, i liked this game!
My robot, Bob. He'll explain everything to you.
Bob's rules list:
1. A switch always has at least one output.
2. Notice if a switch has an input connection.
3. 100111001110
4. The battery always has only input connections.
A simple click game. It takes some calculation, patience and
luck and you are one level ahead.
Music by Bensound.com
oh cool, math, i liked this game!
123 levels beaten!
Well done. :D
Nice work!
I love the game, it's simple and intuitive, i only wish to point out that the inputs and outputs are a bit confusing, not from a logical standpoint, but from a visual one, they can be really missleading sometimes, maybe you coud explain them earlier or add a simple visual totorial on the menu?
Btw love the meta jokes.
Thank you. :)
You're right. Others have noticed the same problem. I'll rewrite the author's comment a bit.
Full disclosure: my friend made this game and it's honestly not my cup of tea. Rather frustrating in the later levels, but eh.