This is nice, but...
Why would a teacher play Newgrounds when class is in session?
This is an interactive animation of plastic pollution. Suitable for the school-age student.
This is nice, but...
Why would a teacher play Newgrounds when class is in session?
Every ending with each character should show the photos
Not bad, but kind of misleading: In reality, animals have no choice, only luck.
imo, to make sure you get your message through, both right and wrong answers should lead to the awareness photos.
Also the message I got said to "help" but didn't explain how to help. (eg: "Please make sure to throw your litter in the bins, or better: Recycle! And if you want to do more: Pick up the litter outside, like plastic bags and bottles on the beaches." +Photos of these 3 options for the kids who may have difficulty reading.)