That was sweet. I think the interviews and everything... This is a good series. ALL MY FIVEN!!1!!1!!one
The 3rd episode to my new series. Hope you like it NGN4 will have the new reviewers section. the 1/2 series is being cancelled.
That was sweet. I think the interviews and everything... This is a good series. ALL MY FIVEN!!1!!1!!one
Cool concept
I like the whole concept of having real newgrounds news, cool idea, keep it up.
That was way bettr than NG news #2
damn awwesome xcept 4 1 part
when XiaoXiao was facing the boss he would be skinny then bold, skinny then bold it happened 2 the boss a couple times
othr than that this kickd ass!!
much better than the last
that was worth wotch again
Go Xiao-Xiao!
The best news so far....until I see shows 4-9.