Too gross to enjoy, but well done. Made me want to blast it with a shotgun and play Doom.
This was the monster that haunted my dreams as a young child.
It appeared in a lot of my dreams the day i was diagnosed with leukemia as a small child.
I dont know what brought this image into my mind.
But yeah, i introduce you to a piece of my own nightmares growing up brought to life in 3d.
hope you all enjoy it.
Too gross to enjoy, but well done. Made me want to blast it with a shotgun and play Doom.
god i cant wait for the new doom to drop, it looks amazing.
Well isn't that a cute little "whatheactualfuckisthatkeepitawayfrome".
Really good. I think eyes are the most terrifying part of any monster, because eyes can show intent/acknowledgement, and you captured that really well.
thank you, appreciate the feed back.
Hope i can smooth out the animation down the road.
still pretty rough, but having fun with this project.