needs a mute button at the beginning, not just once gameplay starts imo (i just rly dont like the music, nothing personal lol)
we should be able to skip through text faster
the drill is not showing up at all. the game is still playable, but it just looks like the squares are disappearing on their own
movement is pretty sluggish for me, and upgrading the drill actually makes it harder to aim towards the right minerals especially when i cant see what angle the drill is pointing. i actually only got about 1/3 as many minerals after upgrading my speed because turning is so unresponsive. its nearly impossible to control the drill unless im just mining straight downwards.
we should have an incentive to drill deeper. there should be more valuable minerals the deeper we go, whereas currently it seems like there are less as we go down.
different upgrades should require certain minerals. we should be able to upgrade our steering and starting gas tank size like in many other drilling games imo.
drill often just stops and wont move for several seconds. i have no indication as to why this is happening because i cant see it.
after my 3rd run, the upgrade screen didnt fully light up, its dim and harder to read as if the graphics only partially loaded. on my 4th run, its dim and also the button to return to the game is gone, so i cant continue playing.
hope this helps :) i like this type of game so it'd be cool to see it developed further