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It's a forest out there

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Author Comments

Nagi is a curious rabbit who loves exploring the forest

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Short, but a good practise for game dev.
The jump felt weird and I felt that the bunny was larger the he was suppost to be. In the beggining of the second level the bunny seemed to have kept restarting when I didn't get the first jump right, don't know why that happened.
Also in the congratulations screen you can walk to the far right, and if you leave the screen and return the bunny sprite disapears and the camera follows an invisible player. Just pointing that out because I thought there was gonna be a secret (which would be a good thing to have) but instead it seems more like a glitch...
Art wise: I like the background, I thought it was pretty. The foreground objects ( the spikes, carrots, platforms and the bunny) weren't that good... And I think because the hitboxes of some stuff were a little weird it caused the art to feel worst than it is.
No music :(

pennynhan956 responds:

Thank you so much for the comment. I really appreciate it

I like the artwork, but the hitboxes are off, making some of the levels virtually impossible, and there's this strange 'jump' occurring when you change direction ...


pennynhan956 responds:

thank you. I will do my best in the next game

Bit glitchy

Maybe improve the collision box a little.

pennynhan956 responds:

thanks you:333

Credits & Info

2.31 / 5.00

Feb 23, 2019
3:13 PM EST