While I struggled to understand some aspects (this is entirely a personal issue I have, I am terrible at finding deeper meaning in most things unfortunately), this series had completely taken me by surprise. Judging from the art style employed, I had walked into this expecting some kind of slapstick or absurd, crude comedy series that would just last a few episodes and peter out.
I was shocked to find quite the opposite. This managed to create a deeply compelling and fascinating story with some truly stellar voice work that helped with immersion greatly. Scenes like Arty slaying the monster and letting it die in pain, then arguing with his blotch friend about what he'd done felt very genuine because of how mottled the argument was and how well conveyed it was through its voice acting.
I think the minimalism made the story that much more compelling. There was something about it that just worked in my opinion. The story was short, but it was gripping the entire time. From the first scene I was hooked, and wanted to see more of this world. Overall? I hope this gains more prominence on here or elsewhere, this is a diamond of a series. I am happy I took the time to watch it.