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This is a multiplayer game of platform, that need it two players for play. This game have many places for play, enjoying of the backgrounds and real sprites that they are them enemies.
The attacks have cooling, you have to discover your times

Additional information:

If you need leave of some level or layout press(Esc)

When performing each skill of your character, you will have to calculate the cooling time of each of them.

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Fun for two, nice

pridesoul responds:

Agradezco mucho tu opinion ;) thanks , tratare lo mas pronto posible de hacer una continuacion que se pueda individual y con mas personajes por escoger

Holy macaroni! 0_0 This game is a lot cooler than I had expected. It has a neat artstyle with an epic menu screen, and there is also a good ammount of abilities you can use in here. The stages are interesting & unique, too.
One sad thing is that it is a multi-player game and I, as a sad, lonesome and shut-in gamer have trouble playing games like these by myself xD ( unless I use both of my hands ) A single-player mode would be quite cool. Maybe with a story, too ? :^

Overall, you did a phenomenal job on this as your first submission on the site! Even though I didn't get to experience much from the game, I really liked it and it seems like you put a good ammount of effort into it. Good job ;P

pridesoul responds:

Hola lllTesTerlll, muchas gracias por tu comentario, lo agaradezco mucho,
no tenia mucho tiempo a lo ultimo de terminar el juego
y tampoco supe como programar el juego para un solo jugador o cambiarlo a dos,
de hecho iba a poner dos personajes mas super geniales pero no supe como programarlos :,( sin embargo estoy feliz por haberlo publicado aqui en newgrounds.com, muchas gracias Att: Soulgames Derechosdeautor y agradecimientos para scirra.com (compañia que facilito el programa construct 2 para poder realizar este juego de plataformas

Credits & Info

2.92 / 5.00

Jan 24, 2019
11:23 AM EST