awesome game
Before you play this i suggest you to play the first one so you understand !!
W, A, S, D or Up, Down, Left, Right arrow keys - Movement
- Some things like vents just require you to move into them
Also music won't trigger on startup, so if you want to hear it, you have to play and then go to the menu. Its a weird bug in C2
awesome game
its not that bad and actually pretty fun, the art is basic but works, the sound effects are eh. the level design is pretty. i feel like this would work better with a more metroid vania deus ex approach where you have many ways to do things and also maybe have the keycards act like a rank based thing like you need a blue for blue doors but red does blue and red, instead of one use keys. also the main character seems to be able to do anything like what the heck? also sometimes it is vague on what is happening and the visuals don't help but the fun level design and the mechanics added midway like the box and knife make it more enjoyable
Whatever :v
Decent game.