This animated comic is rough, but could show potential. The story makes sense and not to difficult to follow. Add much more content, polish the graphics, and things will improve.
an animated comic i'm working on, follow me to see the full volume 0 when it comes out
This animated comic is rough, but could show potential. The story makes sense and not to difficult to follow. Add much more content, polish the graphics, and things will improve.
well I have planned 6 more pages for the first volume, and the roughness was an aesthetic decision, although now i'm second guessing if it was a good one. Mainly I wanted to see the format and initial response to an interactive comic, aside from that thanks for the input!
I like the idea. You probably should have posted under "movie" section since it's not a game but a story though!
the idea is to have an interactive comic that you establish the pace of the story through the use of buttons that let you advance and rewind to different points of the comic
Where is the game?
It's just a proof of concept