I'm terrible and missed a lot of shots so the game should have been over before it got to this point, but after a few minutes Zeus just stopped dropping any lighting bolts. He's just sitting there in the same spot doing absolutely nothing.
Take on the role of Herocles, the brainy, magical brother of Heracles!
Your father, Zeus, is in a drunken rage! Calm him down the only way that
seems to work with him....Zap him with his own lightning!
Avoid Zeus' thunderbolts and collect thunder shards to build up your charge of electricity. Be careful, get hit and you'll lose your charge, or get
hit while uncharged and it's Game Over!
< and > keys: move left and right
^ key while charged: shoot lightning up
You can store up to 3 shards of lightning. The more stored
lightning you have when you shoot, the more damage it does to Zeus.
Get him to zero to make him sober up!
I'm terrible and missed a lot of shots so the game should have been over before it got to this point, but after a few minutes Zeus just stopped dropping any lighting bolts. He's just sitting there in the same spot doing absolutely nothing.
I thought I fixed that bug. I guess it still happens on occasion. I'll have to go back and look
Graphics are good, and the animation is nice. Fighting drunken Zeus is a fun concept. More power ups and attacks could work out well. Having more levels are fighting different Greek gods would be fun.
pretty good!
It's ok, it would be alot better if the spawn rate on the shards was a little bit higher. scince a long time can pass between any shards spawning at all. It has a tendency to get a little monotonous but the fast pace does mitigate that. Over all good base mechanics and the concepts are interesting but it could use a bit of refinement.
Thankls for the feedback.
I've actually increased the frequency of the spawns a bit.
I would refine it, but I think it serves its purpose. It's mainly for the artist to use in their portfolio. Still, if I ever want to, I guess I could.