Not bad.
Wally may be a living skeleton, but he goes through the same problems every husband does. For one thing, his vampire wife is getting a little too close to the giant, sentient plant demon that lives in their shed.
'Green With Envy' was my end-of-year film in my third year of college, I started working on it in late 2017 and finished it in May 2018. My main problem with it is that I spent so much time on the pre-production stage and not enough on actually animating, so as a result a lot of it looks pretty unfinished. I'd love to go back to it when I'm less busy and polish it up, but as it stands I've got a real soft spot for it. I spent a long time on it and despite all the hurdles, I did have fun with the story and characters.
Fun fact, Seymour's voice is my own dog. She's always been very vocal so I thought I'd get her to provide sound effects. 'Atta girl.
Not bad.