Hello there!
I found this game quite very enjoyable. I liked it and I acknowledged that you said we shouldn't "expect too much about gameplay" but still I'm gonna go ahead and mention a few, let's call them, bugs that may need to be fixed and add some ideas.
1. There was no chance to actually win, unless I missed something. I killed the enemy hero and lowered the enemies orb to 0 HP and yet I didn't win. The only thing that happened was me beeing transformed to the fighter "The Feeling Cutter".
2. I wasn't able to play the 3rd round. So I played the first two rounds and as I wanted to start the 3rd round I was been sent back to the hero selection. After I selected my hero .. I was been sent back again.
A feature that would show me what the heroes skills actually do (bevore you picked your hero) would've been nice too.
Either way, have a nice day and good luck in the future! :)