xd ja ja
Sonic vs. Water is a 3D animated parody of Sonic the Hedgehog. I made it for my high school film class and uploaded it to YouTube on April 3, 2018.
xd ja ja
Hahahah, awesome work on this! Very well scripted and made comedy, almost feels like one of those really great comedy sketches you see on youtube which are usually made by awesome animators ^_^
I think the biggest flaw here is the art style, being overall really simple, wiht minimalistic animations and also some 2D mouths made with totally different software perhaps xD ( was it made with GIMP? I also use that). Since the video is really long however, I guess this could be easily overlooked. I just thought I'd tell you so you know what there is you could improve in the future ;)
Keep up! I really like the humor in your animations! It's always on .point.
Thanks for the feedback. Also, it's funny that you mentioned it looks like something you'd see on YouTube. That's because it was originally on YouTube. I literally just joined Newgrounds last night, so some of my older cartoons have been or are being uploaded a bit later.