Imagar shows off for his new mutant fish called, Lesser black ampreyosuchus. 2007 Fierce decides to look at the new mutant fish species in the animal lab. As the vidwindow shows up, 1-up tells him to start investigating and searching the DNA samples of Rahinosaurus anti-human. 2007 fierce and Imagar decides to start investigating the imaginarium hands on fun museum and aquarium to collect the DNA samples of Rahinosaurus anti-human.
Fierce belongs to @FierceTempest92
(C) 1993 Newgrounds
(C) 1993 Brad Brone games
(C) 1993
(C) 1993 Scholastic
(C) 1993 Cheshyre
(C) 1993 Full Moon Features
(C) 1993 Fiercetempest92/Unknown door games
NOTE: I fixed the teaser short film twice today!