This was good, and it didn't take long. The puzzles are intuitive but tricky, very similar to the most I.Q. test
Twenty unique handmade quizzes, puzzles, skill testing, mind bending levels.
Every level is a unique logic challenge.
Think out of the box.
Explore new ways and expand your mind.
Try your self, solve each level without help.
If you give up, press the question mark for clues.
Choose backgound from 15 colors, and enjoy!!!
More levels in the mobile version...
This was good, and it didn't take long. The puzzles are intuitive but tricky, very similar to the most I.Q. test
Clueless game indeed
I got stuck on the second level but I love brain puzzels so this is better then an ok but no better then great
Little to no direction masquerading as "abstract brain puzzle". Often times the objective isn't even clear. Purposefully withholding critical information, such as "what am I even supposed to be doing?" is not a puzzle, its just bare.
its simplistic but still awesome.
music is alittle meh but overall nice.