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Harbour Boy

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Use the arrow keys to move HarbourBoy left and right.

Catch the fish and avoid the crabs.

This is a children's game I made.

Things I'm going to do to improve the game when I get the time :

I'm thinking of making the crabs move left or right when they land, so that Harbourboy also has to jump over them.

I'm going to add more animations for when the actor moves left or right.

I'm going to add more levels with different varieties of fish.

I'm going to write more music for the different levels.

I'm going to add a Seagull Easter Egg if you score 0.

I'm going to make the boat move up and down along with the sea level.

I'm going to make it into a mobile game.

I might make it in to a 2d platformer and have this as a side mini game.

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Alright, where do I begin with this one?

First off, the art style of the game is not well implemented at all. The sprites look like they were made in MS Paint, due to their bad shapes (for example, the bandana looks really bad, same goes for the hair). On top of that, every sprite in the game, excluding the character sprite and the fish sprites, was made using simple shape tools and the paint bucket tool. Way too simplistic and way too inconsistent.

Second, the gameplay is outright terrible. While it looks like it should be at least decent, it's not. The character moves way too slowly and sometimes stops moving when you decide to turn to the other direction.

Third, the menu and the transition screens are painfully slow and empty. No music, no nothing. Just really empty screens with the most you're going to get on the screen at once is a sprite of the character and some text. What's bad about that? Well, the art style of it. I talked about it already so I want to avoid repeating myself.

But hey, there's at least one positive that I'll give it: the music is actually fine. It can get repetitive, but it's solid.

ruthers responds:

Thanks for the constructive feed back.

I'll look in to improving ALL aspects of the game in the future.

At least you like the music, I've actually cleaned that up too, if you go to the .com of my games name you can scroll down and hear the cleaned up version of the theme tune. I already had it planned to write more music for the game

The game works just fine, but is kind of boring.

ruthers responds:

Thanks for trying it.

It's a children's game for the age range of 3-4 year olds. It might help with their hand to eye co-ordination....

What would you suggest to make it more fun?

Credits & Info

2.73 / 5.00

Oct 12, 2018
6:35 AM EDT