Cool but dissapointing.
Rowan is a five year old boy who has been experiencing a quite stressful series of events lately. One day, his babysitter commits the sin of leaving the toddler unsupervised. He alone must now face his fear of dark as the Shadow reappears in front of him... and today something is different.
Three possible outcomes.
Hit escape(esc) to save
Cool but dissapointing.
fearless ending, first try. nice
oh woah wait this thing changes on you. spooky. bumping ending up to 5
very memorable
Only thing that was kinda weird to me was the save points being pills. My stupid brain went "oh if saves are pills then ill just never save!"... that is not how that worked. Anyway aside from you getting the "fearless ending" and being able to use the save pills at the same time 10/10
This was a pretty cool story ! keep it up I liked the dialog to it to and art work !