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DBZ : Vegeta Budokai

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Fight against an AI Vegeta in the RockLands OR fight your friend in a VS mode in this simple flash game!
Any bugs found can be reported to me, but there is a chance i wont be able to fix them.
Have Fun!

-Kiiro "MeatWeed" Owsky

P.S. There will be updates. You can and should give me feedback.

(OLD VERSION) Here is a EXE download link : http://www.mediafire.com/file/3blb8d19dsyh7jc/Dragon_Ball_Z_VegetaBudokai_PC_edition.exe/file

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Barely playable, with a plethora of annoying glitches.

• It's far too easy for Vegeta to clip into the ground and become unreachable simply by facing away from the wall (though in CPU mode, the computer constantly tries to jump out of the ground to try and escape, which has the opposite effect of forcing him even deeper).
• The beam mechanics are finicky at best, sometimes requiring multiple presses to properly trigger.
• Oh, and don't try to use a Kamehameha while moving—I have no idea why, and Vegeta isn't affected by this glitch at all, but when Goku moves (in air or on the ground) while charging a beam attack, he immediately freezes in place and can't move again until he casts another Kamehameha.

MeatWeed responds:

Hello dear Gdrocker.
I am avare of these issues. The first : i will try to fix it, but it will take some time. Thanks for the feedback though. (Also you can punch him to try to free him). The second : its on porpouse. The beams do TOO MUCH damage. I can nerf them but then theyre next to useless. I can maybe work out a solution though...
The third : You cant use it while moving. When you use it, you freeze in place during the animation, and unfreeze after. Walking cancels the animation withou freening. I can fix this but i thought it balances the kamehameha.
Thank you again for your feedback.

"Fuck! My game sucks? I guess i should buff one attack!"
-Kiiro "MeatWeed" Ahwhothefuckcares.

(UPDATE!) I have fixed (i think. please update me if i didnt) 2 of your issues. You (unfortunately) still have teh finicky at best beam mechanics... BUT! there is a new animation for Beam Clash and...you still freeze if attacked during your charge animation... like DBZ : BT3.

Credits & Info

2.28 / 5.00

Sep 25, 2018
11:05 AM EDT