cuts off, but you had something and now im like huh? Should be longer! also the ugly flipaclip watermark isn't very good on your stuff.
So quick backstory, I made a character like 4 years ago. her name was fuguski. And Fuguski is kinda very really angry at me because i didn't use her for anything. (fun fact about me: if i make a character i will 100% find a way to use them.) Fuguski can only exist on paper, drawing programs ect. ALSO! this is an atamatic so there's little to no animation. ALSO also i apolagise for the shitty flipaclip watermark. I'm trying to find a better animating program.
cuts off, but you had something and now im like huh? Should be longer! also the ugly flipaclip watermark isn't very good on your stuff.
Song sucks. I don’t understand a single thing you wrote about, but I’m sure your Fushigo character that you think is real will really take off. The best part of this video is that I skipped over most of it, the second best part is there’s none of your writing. Can’t wait to see Fukushi’s Tengo 2: The Tengoing