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Agent stealth

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Made for gbjam6


- arrows to move

- up key to use

- down to roll

-s to switch weapon

- x to attack

-r to restart


- epic levels

- cutscenes

- Boss

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The level with the saw at the floor and the sparking cables at the ceiling... impossible in my mind. Tried like 15 times now and can't pass. Pretty frustrating.

spriter500 responds:

Use 'roll' to avoid the saw at the floor , it works.
Thanks for the feedback ;)

Pretty damn good, especially for a game jam!
I like the graphics style, the controls are odd but worked well once I got used to them and when I screwed up it was barely second before I could get back in the action.
Beyond elaborating on this game, my only complaints are that soldiers can see and shoot you through platforms (This happened in level 3 I think) which really confused me, since I thought it was there to be used as cover. Also, as others have said, a fast movement speed would be nice.
Keep it up!

The controls were a little odd and the hitboxes a tad off, but aside from these minor details, it's a nice piece of work. I would love to see this elaborated further one day.


Quite a good game.
Intuïtive what you have to do and good music.
I like how you can knockout the soldiers.

The game experience is good, but there are some tiny frustration points that are preventing it from becoming great.
1. The soldier jump is precise, when jumping up things I have to time perfectly where I stand to jump. This gets really frustrating, because I kept dieing and had to do the same jump again and agian. And imagine if I also have to them the same jump 3 times more because I keep falling because of the precision.
2. Increase the movement speed. Often found myself having to rerun to some area, because I I had to go through the door that I unlocked while pushing the button upstairs. Having to run this, and especially more times when you die got me really frustrated

Haha like the pain thumbnail.

Credits & Info

3.24 / 5.00

Aug 29, 2018
7:17 PM EDT