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Shoot O' Space

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Save the world from an alien invasion!
With a tiny learning curve, Shoot O' Space is another game that fits perfectly in the "Easy to learn, hard to master" category. Get ready to face an epic battle against those pesky aliens.

>>> Slowed down the enemies
>>> Fixed enemy spawn system
>>> Tweaked the colours of the planets
>>> Gotten rid of the planets
>>> Made the enemy stars render on top of the wall
>>> Changed the wall behaviour to prevent it from getting too big
>>> Added particle effects when player hits an enemy
>>> Added unlockable ships
>>> Added progress bar onto the score UI
>>> Made walls shrink smoother
>>> Added enemies that follow the player
>>> Added auto shoot!
>>> Fixed some collider issues
>>> Added some more sound effects into the gameplay
>>> Made better background music for the gameplay
>>> Tweaked the enemy and wall colours
>>> Added screen shake
>>> Made the explosions and bullets bigger
>>> Made the enemy stars grow like crazy!
>>> Changed the way to retry the game
>>> Improved the look of the UI by changing the font and creating better looking buttons
>>> Made the story telling a little bit better...
>>> Changed how the wall behaved to make it more understandable and less of a power hog
>>> Messed about with the game feel to make the experience more satisfying
>>> Made the starships appear randomly forever! :)
>>> Changed how the bullet looks like
>>> Made the bullets move randomly to create more movement
>>> More sound effects and polish

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/tinynerdgames/home
FAQ: https://sites.google.com/view/tinynerdgames/games/shoot-o-space

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Hello tiny nerd and I just want to say I enjoyed playing this game and have a particular soft spot for these types of games but I have some concerns. Upon googling this game I found this article https://itch.io/t/277054/shoot-o-space-is-released linking to your itch.io game page https://tinynerd.itch.io/shoot-o-space upon reading it I was enthusiastic to find a pc download to the game but I was also cautious so I put it through virustotal.com which is the top result on google https://www.google.com/search?q=virus+checker+online&rlz=1CAISMM_enUS838&oq=virus+checker+&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0l5.10079j1j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&safe=active&ssui=on and got this https://www.virustotal.com/#/file/868a763ca5ea6b6762e3923a858e1b0e760ec0800fc05268587686fd197713ba/detection saying there is a trojan virus in the contents of the zip. Can you please reply to my comment and clarify on this issue. Until then my review will remain at no stars.

It's definitely at least a little bit original, which is good for a first game. Certainly better than the huge crop of tutorial clones we saw people making around 2010. The aesthetic is okay, too, though I'm not sure what the circles are supposed to be.

As far as gameplay goes, there are some issues. There's absolutely zero reason to move at all - the optimal strategy is to sit still and shoot. The controls are pretty terrible - space to thrust doesn't really mesh, and there's no excuse for a 2018 game to force the player to click for every shot. I liked the fast restart, though I've got to ask - if you've got right click use in your game, why use space for movement? Come to think of it, since there's no reason *not* to shoot, why have a key to shoot at all? Just fire automatically.

Overall, above average for a first game.

tinynerd001 responds:

Ok, thanks for your response. I will try to tweak around with the design of the game, to fix some of the issues you stated. I think the next update will be uploaded, I hope around next week or 3 days from now. :) Thanks!

Credits & Info

3.18 / 5.00

Aug 15, 2018
3:25 AM EDT