ugh to short I think this feels more like a inside joke other than that its not really that funny !
Arin Hanson lets out his rage while doing the No Touch Challenge in Mario 3.
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ugh to short I think this feels more like a inside joke other than that its not really that funny !
looked awesome, and the animation also looked awesome.
Sorry for just saying awesome, its just so F@#$ing AWESOME.
I've never seen a mix of rotoscoping and tweening done so well!
I'm guessing you rotoscoped this one. It looks ok, though it seems a bit choppy. I do appreciate how wide Arin's mouth gets when he screams, qnd it is pretty expressive. I like how...the guy who is not Arin (forgive me, I don't watch a lot of Game Grumps) shifted his eyes to Arin when it got interesting.his mouth is a bit weird though, since sometimes it looks like he's laughing hard with his teeth closing his mouth, so it looks weird. A solidly entertaining animation with some flaws overall.