Never knew venom could sing lol but this was pretty good and some funny guy.or on this one good concept here with venom taking the lead nice art style too so nice job
So I saw the Venom trailer and HAD to parody this song! I was surprised the wording fit so easily!
Please support my work at so I can make more parodies like this. And any amount you support with gets you downloads of my songs and videos!
Never knew venom could sing lol but this was pretty good and some funny guy.or on this one good concept here with venom taking the lead nice art style too so nice job
is good
Is good review
for me that venom does not sing well!!!
Is that what real love feels like?
k. had to go watch the trailers before i got the context....
mildly clever, but not much to go on. pretty funny. nice animation, even if there is so little of it. appreciated the continuation of the gag through the credits screen (though a prettier poo might be nice). wish there was more. maybe Venom will serenade us again some time. thanks.