Really good Idea. Could be better, and less supplies. I am always having 10 med-kits 6 O2 cilinders 800 ammo and 5 grenades. Make loot more rare. and change the melee button to F the crate/inv to E and the grenade to G. since the e is usually the use button in video games, The G is literally the 1st letter of grenade and if not F then V. I don`t know why V is melee in video games, don`t ask me why.
-original idea
-some controls (space for vaulting, H for Healing W,A,S,D controls)
-Graphics (are decent at least)
-Vaulting sometimes won`t work
-I usually throw grenades instead of opening crates
- Too much loot
PS. This is am amazing game considering the sites state of quality of NG. this was constructive criticism so don`t get salty or mad at me but if you can make that then it`s a 9/10 game.( 10/10 are oldschool games that still hold up to this day or were bangers when they came out, or they are decent but have a legendary storyline.)