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Golden Boot

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Score against tough defenses and win achievements along the way. But can you win the golden boot by becoming the top scorer?

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pretty nice job: it's got good graphics, excellent sound effects, fun gameplay, and lots of replayability. what it needs now is refinement. i can understand the necessity of randomness, but never knowing which side of the screen the ball was coming from, never knowing where the guards were gonna be (sorry if that's not proper football talk, never played or watched much), the speed and height of the ball... led to a lot of confusion and cheap misses. granted there's also the potential for cheap goals (got those too), but especially in the absence of a pause button--yes, i know it helps with the arcade feel to not have one, but i really think it could use one--makes for a mildly frustrating experience as well. regardless of how much fun it might be to see the goalie jump at my wilder shots (the ones that are nowhere near the net, or even the posts, for the matter, lol). that's not to mention that the quality of my shots seemed really random as well.

also, i was wondering about the absence of music, and while i agree that there's a certain amount of "it's just gonna mar the gameplay", just having something short for the menus might be nice: nothing overbearing but the sound of the crowd does tend to grate. speaking of which, i noticed there's a peculiar absence of lefties in the roster. yes, i know there's one in the lineup, but i was thinking there surely must be somebody (or at least we could make somebody up) that could fit the bill for type. secondly, if you could have a mute button simply for the crowd, i think people would be ever so grateful, myself included. i know it flies in the face of the premise, but just like the presence of a soundtrack could be, it is simply migraine-inducing. there's no other way to say it.

like i said though (or did i?), you've got the ground for a good money-maker here. i could easily see this as an app, if you could work out the kinks. i could also see the potential for some medals too, even if i myself probably won't be anywhere near gamer enough to get them all. what can i say? it's probably mostly because it's sports-related. as good in games as i am in real life, probably just about. lol

Nice graphics and good job in the audio, it has a looooot of potential

Good job. Nice, nice graphics and audio work.

Gameplay is simple and I assume designed for mobiles ( portrait mode dimensions it seems). I think it may look better on desktop in sort of a landscape mode. Maybe it can be done so it scales accordingly, you know depending on device.

Other than maybe that improvement, great job

Quite smooth but kicks seem to be entirely random with no way to control whether the ball would be shot straight or left/right so feels like it is simply a luck based game.

AdelPiero responds:

Not at all. If you kick when the ball is to the left of your kicking foot it will go left and the other way around. If it\'s aligned perfectly it will go straight. How far left or right it will go depends on how far the ball is to the side of your foot.

different style of soccer. could definately see this in an app store.

Credits & Info

3.27 / 5.00

Jul 3, 2018
7:31 AM EDT
  • Daily 4th Place July 4, 2018