Well, how funny did the commercial come out!!!
An idea whose time has come. Get your bottom washed by the professionals.
Well, how funny did the commercial come out!!!
Good stuff. A little bit long.
Damn that was hella funny nice scripting!
So this was one of those odd and strange submissions but we can never have too much of that, it was interesting and the visuals really came thru well in this so I was pretty impressed, so This is kind of wacky but thats what I like. The voices seemed to come in and out not sure what it was, anyways nice animation here.
The voices seemed to come in and out not sure what it was
Cool, i see a trend here. Did you get inspiration for any of these characters in real life ? The cartoon presents a not shitty drawn cast (think J.Jackson or other moderately more offensive cartoons) and witty dialog lines. Also holy shit 8 washing and cleaning options, i dont want to try washing my ass with the centrifugal option.