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Snowpimp #3: "Haesli"

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This is number three, go and study pimpology.

by the way: check Snowpimp # 1 and 2

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Average flash

Nothing special to it. The Bits i did like though were the cute "blink blink" sounds the bunny made, the drag and drop during the loading session (which was very quick) and the tiny filesize. good work.

It's me again!!

Hey pimps. It's me again..
i love the sound at the end and at at the start. but why did snowpimp killed that cute little bunny. You are so mean. But THATS good!

Like it!


this was weird, the one where he builds the female was the funniest

what is that sound?

In the begining and end.seriously.. i dont understand what that sound is or why its even there.decent film though.

Heh, it was a nice short.

Nothing too flashy. Quick and too the point. The whole rabbit and carrot idea is pretty funny. Not much else here except the main point of the movie. So pretty average.

Credits & Info

2.87 / 5.00

Nov 30, 2002
11:34 AM EST