Powersticks A game that takes about 1.5 minutes to beat! Other than that, the controls are:
Green Dude:Arrows and mouse pointer.
Yellow dude:Arrows and Z key.
Black Stick Dude: Arrows X and Z key. G to restart if you lose.
What they do:
Arrow Keys:Moves them OBVIOUSLY!
Z: Is to attack on Yellow Dude's Part. On the Black Stick Dudes part he shoots out missile's Z is to shoot it and X is to explode it.
There are 2 ending and you get them by beating the boss.
Credits:Script and sprites by me.
Only 2 tracks of music are by me.
All other music is by their respective(and awesome) owners.
Sound effects I got are from other game or made by me, many from freesound.org.
Scroll further if you want spoilers to the merciful end. Some might cannot hear so this is why i made this too.
Me warned you! You should play this first though its very short!
Okay then....
...Here it is for people who cannot hear very well....
The ending text is: WAIT! Im sorry for the stuff I did. I did all that because I was jeoulous because I didn't have a team...
BLACKSTICK:Its ok, I didnt start out with a team either then I got some....And I know you can too.
OrangeStick:Y'know your right! THANK YOU!
The end. Thats not even what they say....But hey its close enough!