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world maker demo

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Author Comments

nice game of world bildur not the best but nice

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Yes, it is nice. Not the best, but nice.

No color to it and the designs look like a mentally challenged child drew them. The writing is also hilariously bad with parts that I can't even read. Also why is the entire road the same exact size as everything else without the ability to add more roads? There is barely anything to add and this is a poor excuse for even a demo.

Wow ! It's just INCREADIBLE ! I played it for a whole day !

perfect WOW! look at the graphics (have you worked on gta 5 or something)

excome responds:

iam work on the oculus

Not the best but certainly not the worst I've ever seen either. The letters were fairly hard too read and some are completely illegible but the game functioned despite being basic. I also noticed how to play had a #2 selection that leads too nothing at. Overall it fell flat but in the wise words of Abraham Lincoln "My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure."

excome responds:

i gone to fix it

Credits & Info

1.51 / 5.00

Jun 15, 2018
4:40 PM EDT