I would give this a fair review if it actually loaded in, it gets stuck on a loading screen for I don't know how long and I can't get into the game
Zombie Defense Force is a Turn-Based Tactics game about saving people from being eaten by Zombies. In the game, you control survivors whose ultimate goals range from helping stranded wanderers to clearing areas of zombies. In doing so, you may find that you need to break through glass or bash open doors, but be careful: The more noise you create, the more likely it is that zombies will find you and hunt you down!
This game is the first large scale release of a project developed by a group of three students from the UW CSE Game Development Capstone, Spring 2018.
I would give this a fair review if it actually loaded in, it gets stuck on a loading screen for I don't know how long and I can't get into the game
The game is not loading???
The game was too easy. Zombies having only one action is unfair for the zombies. Humans can just stay two squares away and be safe. The game is playable, but not much more.
Give the zombies two action points or one move & one attack per turn if they shouldn't be able to attack twice.
Add more gameplay elements such as abilities, more weapons or stat customization.
Though if you're going to try to improve the game, I'd say just make a new game completely instead of updating this game. You could make Zombie Defense Force 2
Great game! btw did anyone see the cat that appears on the level complete screen
An amazing game I had a blast playing. MAKE MORE PLEEEAAASSEEE