Best game ever
Just a time killer that I made for school, but never used during school. But the point of it is to kill time and also be REALLY BAD at the same time.
I Can Also Take Recommendations To Make The Game Even Worse
(3.0) slower frame times so animations can be seen clearly and be more boring
(4.0) added a music track
(5.0) music track 1.0 is now looped +
Best game ever
That text to speech voice killed me
Bad? What the heck are you smokin? This is one of the greatest ports of all time. Blows CoD on the Wii straight out the water
If you know that it is "really bad", why upload it?
for shits and giggles
I mean, it's literally just one screen. You should add some music to it.
I get that it's supposed to be bad, but music would at least make it mildly entertaining.
working on a new version of it, the new one has music so. thanks for the idea though.
EDIT: replaced the version with one with music