Kinda rough here and there but still pretty enjoyable
Starbomb Animated by Winch1990
Rap Battle Ryu vs Ken
Kinda rough here and there but still pretty enjoyable
This was different
Well I will say is that this was kind of differnt, the idea is great and really like it because its like a video of some sort, the graphics are notbad and its a good piece and good flow of animation, very nice video you have here hope to see more soon someday anyways untill next time keep it real.
Make more of these.
Style really gets me thinking of Lonely Island! Awesome style. Awesome pace. Nostalgic spritemation to go with it too. Feels like a fresh mixture! Good stuff.
Bit much with the flashing lights though.
Ryu killed it, Ken didn't overall awesome lol
epilepsy warning?