Trump is still better than Obama. Obama vilified our Police and implied several times in his speeches that White people look at black people like they're criminals. He even said in his one speech about how they are locking their doors at night worried about a black person breaking into their house or cars. Obama was a divider. I am tired of you idiot real racist DemoKKKrats attacking Conservatives non-stop. They are better people than your trash drug addict families. Oh yeah, Stephen Colbert and Comey both have orange skin too. Want to attack their skin color? The economy is better under Trump and he was one of the reasons relations with North Korea have gotten better. Obama didn't do anything except divide people by race and his Wife Michelle Obama is just as divisive. Saying ignorant stuff about how Hillary lost the Election because of sexism and how Trump supposedly mistreats women while ignoring the Fact that Bill Clinton has been accused of multiple rapes and sexual assaults by people like Juanita Broadderick and Paula Jones. The Leftist Media even lied and claimed Trump raped his ex-wife and she came out and said that was completely fabricated by the Leftist Media. And if you're going to get butt-hurt about me giving you an X and giving your unfunny Animation a 0 which took you little to no effort to make since there's barely any Animation and a audio clip you took trying to make Trump look stupid when you could take an audio clip of anyone and make them look stupid. You can do same thing with Obama. He has said many stupid things such as Trayvon was my son or I am Trayvon Martin with his race baiting ways. Didn't even know a damn thing about Trayvon Martin. You want to get more into Politics? I can bring up a Million different reasons why the Democratic Party is the Political Party of uneducated retards.