Much much worse then the 1.0 version.
This game is unplayable right now - not if you want to get Psycopath and Catch this medals without dealing with bugs more then with zombies:
Fix these issues:
1) Direction commands get stuck often and make the character go in one direction. If you do some clicking it stops and would be a small issue if not a big Big BIG BUT! if you get lead due to sticking direction to the bottom side of screen you may find yourself in the "non-normally-enterable area" that is the bottom line of the screen. There is an invisible wall there that cannot be crossed to the other direction. You are stuck on the lowest horizontal of screen forever and you cant get new ammo ever nor avoid zombies in this 1 dimensional space you are stuck. It's certain death. I that happened to me twice when I had already spend a lot of time spent and had about 400- 600 kills. I will not play anymore untils this is fixed.
2) Stop making the game Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring. Music suggest dynamic shooter as was the first game with small area. But now the game is just a loooooooooooooooooooong time walking and leading the slow zombie herd behind you in circles until you find some ammo. Ammo pickups appear and then dissapear again very quickly. Sometimes some ammo pickups are permanent and don't go away until picked up but that is very rare Powerups are useless and unneeded - I would much rather just have more ammo so I could continue playing and killing. Each time I see the useless powerups instead of ammo I get angry and want to send an angry letter to the author. Make the game spwan more ammo for dynamic gameplay. I once made some 15 circles around the map for some 5 minutes and could not find any ammo.
3.Explosive pickups just don't work most of time - you pick up a grenade or the mine - and you have 0 explosives still. Is there a difference between grenade and mine? I was ever able to only use mines. I cannot get grenade medal because I was never able to throw one - I pick up a grenade but it doesn't add to inventory.
5. Add a current weapon icon. It is too hard to distinguish if I have machine gun or shotgun equipped I confuse them all the time. They can be distinguished by max ammo number which is lame.
6. Stop skipping weapons with 0 ammo when selecting next weapon. After I memorize which weapon fallows which, it completely ruins the sequence and I fire wrong weapon all the time especially easy to confuse shotgun vs machine gun.
7.Why not assign a number key to each weapon like in a proper shooter?
If you correct most of these mistakes I will upgrade my rating using the Pico face panel on the left.