Barely functional. A great deal of negatives without too many positives.
- The controls you have listed are confusing; you have a punch combo listed as "A-A-A" and a kick combo listed as "B-B-B"... but you have SIX total attack options (three punches and kicks) linked to A/S/D and Z/X/C on the keyboard, each with 'weak', 'medium' and 'strong' variants respectively, so no one has any idea what you mean by any of that. I think you started with the concept of a two-button fighter, but needlessly expanded it to six without any plan for what to do with those extra four buttons.
- Speaking of controls, the big red "joystick" in the lower left quarter of the play area serves no purpose other than to obfuscate the screen and screw with your directional inputs. No, really, all it does is force your character to move in the same direction the joystick was last pulled (or stay put if left in neutral). Because of this, any time you try to move with the arrow keys (which still work, for some reason), it'll repeat the last action you did with the joystick... did you move the big red ball up and to the right as if to jump forward? Well, guess what? Your character will never stop jumping now. So enjoy that.
- Compounding everything said so far, it becomes too easy to win any respective match. With Yoko repeatedly jumping away from her opponent, all I had to do is spam 'HK' to fire a laser beam and jump away every time. I never took damage, I never got blocked, and I didn't have to press more than one button.
- The music is overly repetitive. It's just the same seven-second loop for whichever character is occupied by "Player 2", and when either player gets KO'd, the music abruptly starts over again anyways. This is especially noticeable in "training mode". If there are better, longer music samples you could use, use them.
- As was said elsewhere, when you win an "arcad [sic] game", the game flickers between the two characters' win screens every other frame, inducing seizures in whoever dares look upon it for too long.
This is... not good by any stretch of the imagination. Yeah, I know you said "please do not judge strictly", but it feels like these ideas were cobbled together without any level of forethought. If ever you get the chance to remake this, get play-testers... a LOT of play-testers.