This is cool :D
Are you able to fill all the tiles and finish on the green mark to complete the level? Can you solve all 30 levels?
This is a new and mobile-friendly version of Get It Filled.
Use the mouse or keyboard to control the player.
Specific keyboard controls:
- Arrow keys (or WASD): move the player
- Arrow keys + Shift: keep moving
- Spacebar: undo one step
- R: restart the level
- M: toggle music
- K: toggle sounds
- O: go to previous level
- P: go to next level
This is cool :D
This game is the same as first part, only difficult levels start a bit sooner, but there is 10 less levels on overall, only 30 in place of 40. The game is fun and pleasant, but short and a bit to easy. Would be better with some 10-20 more levels as hard as last few ones.
Yeah, I see what you mean.
In contrast to the first version, this version is meant to be easily playable on a mobile device (small screen). Because of that, the levels are quite a bit smaller which in turn makes it more difficult for me to make them hard to solve for a player.
Maybe I'll add some more levels and even new puzzle elements later; this might be a new version of the game though.
Really fun! Ever since I played the first one, I've been looking forward to the second :)
Wow that was actually pretty tricky as you got further into it. that 30th level... man that was a difficult. But that said it was such a simple game yet you managed to find simple ways to make it really challenging. I actually managed to beat all the levels so I'm pleased with that, but overall it was a solid game, well done. While difficult it never felt unfair per say, and thinking with portals always lets puzzles become a lot more interesting.
This was very chill -> interesting puzzles, smooth animations and relaxing music. This is definitely worth a try, I am quite pleased with this : )