Dear Behjacjok
Well for starters this reminds me of early flash games posted on new grounds. Basic, interesting, and chock full of memes and references. (cough nico nico nii cough). Once I got past learning the controls I had quite a bit of fun. I am still playing and just recently beat the boss on the ship. I would say places to improve would be adding a pause option, essentially you only have downtime in between area's and if your a first-time player you won't really know where those are. Also, I would nerf the back attack. It seems to do more damage than a regular strike and on most bosses you have enough time to use the attack twice before you need to block again, rendering the basic attack string useless in comparison.
-little break in writing to continue playing-
Beat the dragon boss and onto the next section. Not liking the glitching out miniboss. Think I'm gonna leave it here. Its interesting but please add a save or at least a password feature. The biggest issue the game has is the lack of variety. I liked playing it but after about 30 minutes it began to feel repetitive. Maybe add shops that give the player access to new weapons like bows or staffs? Overall I would have to say I had a good experience with the game. So for that, and for its potential, you get 3.5 stars. Keep working hard and you'll make something amazing.
-with love