Hey, this movie was great. As someone who transforms into a pig during the full moon, I'm happy to see respectful treatment of choirotropy (the name of our condition) on media. Good on you, misslittlecutebitch!
This animation was made for the Animation Callange Group on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7zG_A3rd7Tfl9yv0eVLhqw
The theme was: Desantropomorfizar
Free music was provided by: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Trotski_Nautique/
Hey, this movie was great. As someone who transforms into a pig during the full moon, I'm happy to see respectful treatment of choirotropy (the name of our condition) on media. Good on you, misslittlecutebitch!
LOL.That was disgusting (but not too much, in fact everyone can watch it).
What I see here it's a animation made to impact; to make people think about "what did the Author was trying to make me see?" I've seen the metamorfosis of common people that, in the night, become "pigs", eating trash, laying in the nasty corners of the streets; acting like pigs untill the morning comes and everyone come back to their "commoness".
PS. Nice soundtrack!
Keep up with the good job!
This is excellent! I love it, the animation in this one looks so good. Nice work :)