Another fun entertainment thing here some good style here nice jokes and humor and it all comes together
F cable news and dem corny network morning shows! Your pal Jimmy Pee gots the silly news you crave.
Another fun entertainment thing here some good style here nice jokes and humor and it all comes together
Oh, so you only go Monday through Friday. That's more often than "The Daily Show"! That's just Monday through Thursday technically! Anyway, I heard about that Austin thing. Was it really fart lighting? Nice to hear about Jared.
I mean, we've heard of so many celebrities on the Metoo hashtag, we forgot about all the ones that came before it! Then again, most of them weren't as bad as him. I liked the computer voice. It was pretty funny.
the weather reporter was so good i couldnt belive my ears its rain all week damnit >__<
An informative finale to the weekly news! :D Gotta be my favorite/strangest weather duck forecast so far, and that shipped tooth thing was pretty entertaining too. Good news all in all; good weekend!