Your Animation Looks So Awesome can you be able to animate for me? Or Is It a Bad Time To Ask?
Part of my story that I'm making on Youtube. Sprite hunter is about how Ichigo goes about hunting down the strongest and most famous sprites. So far I think these hunts are just an extra excuse as to why some characters wont be in my main story "Conquest of the Reaper"
Your Animation Looks So Awesome can you be able to animate for me? Or Is It a Bad Time To Ask?
What did you have in mind? Sorry i saw this late.
Hey, this ain't too bad! It's somewhat rough around the edges imo, but that's something that can be improved upon in future efforts. I hope you keep at it
nice sprite animation. The ending was sudden and misplaced.
Thanks. I'm gonna work on that for future videos. I wasn't fully content with the ending.
Lots of tweening and sprite work, which is fine for what it is, but there's a lot that could be improved.
Don't stretch the sprites or the background sprites, they end up looking pretty terrible. This seems to happen when you're moving the camera, look into avoiding that. Additionally, don't enlarge the background sprites so much that a single pixel is as large as Ichigo and Luffy; that also ends up looking pretty ugly.
You seem to have some understanding of weight to motions, but you should focus on more in-between frames, such as Luffy bouncing at the end. You seemed to have the principle of it right, by having him squish slowly, then spring up in a jump. You just need to have a few more in-between frames to make it look better.