this game was complicated but here is my further answers. read carefully!!
1.type:yes 1.type:yes
2.type:yes 2.type:yes
3.type:3 3.type:3
4.type:2 4.type:2
5.type:3 5.type:3
6.type:yes 6.type:yes
7.on upside down 2 type:5 7.on upside down 2 type:5
8.on blood river click on it 8.on blood river click on it
9. type:4 9.type:4
10.type:yes 10. type:yes
11.type:2 11. type:4 (to get the bad ending)
12.type: yes (quick to win
(or lose to get
the end with new
My total comment: good job with this! I'm enjoyed this one to help others that I got it by myself! :)