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The Jump to Nowhere

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Hey, this is my first attempt at making a game so i hope its okay, ill be releasing more games soon, i'm working on one right now so stay tuned!

Version 2: I have fixed the game play issues that i have heard, but the jumps that some say are "impossible" i have beaten this multiple times and it is possible, if i take away the difficulty of this game its not going to be what i wanted to make so i am sorry if you cant get past a certain part but just know it is possible. I hope to get better at making games and to continue to get suggestions for my game!

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The controls are *horrible*.

TropicSquirrel responds:

Please explain.

1. The game looks and sounds okay, though it's nothing special.

1. Sometimes when I press the jump button I don't jump.
2. You start to close to the bottom which leads to death.
3. At a certain point there is a platform that I was unable to get to because it was higher than the jump.
4. No instructions on how to play.

TropicSquirrel responds:

Hey, For the cons i cant figure out why you wont jump on the time you press it but i'm working it out, and ill fix the second problem immediately, and i will make the platforms in most areas to give a better and more fair game, for your last con i will am working on that and will be a better and more improved version of the game soon. and thanks for the feedback!

I think the screen disappears way too fast I would understand if the higher you go the faster it went. It shouldn't be that fast for when you're just starting out. I don't know if you're supposed to jump to the land with the arrow or the piece of land to the left of it but either way I failed miserably. The platforms should be closer together for when you're just starting out and maybe space them out more the higher you go.

TropicSquirrel responds:

Thanks for your suggestions, i will take them and try to make this game better!

Hi, The good point is the music, it matches the graphic atmosphere. then the game starts without warning and without advising the controls. The two first jumps are too hard compared to the next ones, and you can disappear above the screen.

TropicSquirrel responds:

Hey, thanks for the feedback! ill try to make it better and sharpen my skills. I also didn't take into account that you can disappear above the screen and that the game starts without warning so thanks!

Credits & Info

2.35 / 5.00

Feb 19, 2018
11:11 PM EST