Pretty fun, I got up to Day 14. After I think like the first week in game there isn't really any new challenges that come up, and I don't think there's an ending either.
With the repeal of net neutrality rules you are the new big data, data throttler. Not all data is equal. Do your job and follow the company policy!
Read company emails to get the latest policy changes. Throttle, boost, or disconnect customers in accordance with the current rules.
Try not to get fired!
Created in 48 hours for Global Game Jam 2018. The theme was "Transmission".
Cosmic Adventure Squad
Gameplay Code - Vu Ha (@stregawolf)
Artist - Rose Peng (@ouroborose)
System Design & Code - Ted DiNola (@esdin)
Code & Testing - Jordan Cazamias
Audio - Niko Korolog
Character Artist - Chris Palacios
Intern - Andrew Lee (@alee12131415)
Pretty fun, I got up to Day 14. After I think like the first week in game there isn't really any new challenges that come up, and I don't think there's an ending either.
this good ngl
Great game! It's a shame it feels a little... empty, specially after a few days.
The only thing I'll critic is coherence. It would make the message better if, for example, CosmoCast streaming remained on "promotions" and started eating all streaming services until every person streaming outside of just TV is CosmoCast, becoming a monopoly.
Outside of that, brilliant!
very poignant!
Very cool but sad at the same time. It makes you think...