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Atomic Alice

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Password: "Beta12"

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JMIM : Is still alive. www.twitch.com/KanjiCoder ( 2022.06.13 )

Password: "Beta12"

Password is not case sensitive.




MOVE: WASD or Arrow Keys.

N = next level (DEBUG)


About this game:


This game is not finished, and it never will be.

I do want to re-do it using OpenGL though and am working

on a new rendering engine. I just... got too ambitious for

a flash game, but it is what I knew how to program in

at the time.


Team Credits:


Amanda: Social Media and Content Management. OwO

Josh Stanger:


All of the good level design. If the level sucks,

I (John Mark) probably made it. Josh's eye for

asthetic and functional design is much better than mine.

Matthew Griebner: Art

Portfolio: https://theancientstory.weebly.com/

Sprite Art, including tilesets, characters,

explosion animations, animated doors, flame pistons.

Everything painstakenly made pixel by pixel.

Sometimes in multiple iterations as my art direction

was lacking.

Tyler Woods: Music


Made multiple tracks for this game, though only

one appears in the game.


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Ah, yes. Atomic Alice. I remember testing this game a few years back. It's still a has some of the same problems (due to halted development), but it's also just as enjoyable as it was back then. Just played through all the levels again. It takes time to really figure out the mechanics of the game, but I'm pleased that more people will get to play this, and I hope it gets some attention.

I trust you learned a lot from this project. Can't wait to see what direction you go.

Oh shit don't tell me mah fan levels are lost 4evar? My compy that I made them on and the email account I sent them from both died ;_;

They would totes kik everonez asses :3

MakeGamesHappen responds:

Yeah. I am sorry. We halted developement on the game because Flash was kind of a bad choice, but was what I was most proficient at the time. I am learning WebGL and OpenGL. With the intention of re-making the game with an awesome rendering engine.

The goal is to be able to have all the original level design data compatible with the new engine.
So if that happens I'll try and dig up your old levels.

-John Mark

Pretty cool game. No idea how to get the medal though.

For those who aren't aware, this has been in testing for quite a long time so I'm glad you feel it's finally ready for public release. Doesn't flow quite as smooth as I remember in the testing though (it feels a bit laggier).

To be fair this does have a lot of effects and such and is quite ambitious for a Flash game submission.

MakeGamesHappen responds:

I wish we could have done everything we wanted to. But yeah... I'd say too ambitious for a flash game.
Learning WebGL and OpenGL though. Working on a new rendering engine.
But developement is slow because I am writing one version in Go+OpenGL and another in WebGL+JavaScript.

The goal is to not get stuck with one platform if one of my choices goes to hell like flash.

Slower development, but helps me really interalize the code base. Since all the class names
are the same in both versions of the code base.

That was a bit technical. I forgot, how code savvy are you?

-John Mark

Aw, man. Sad that you're not finishing it. Still a great game with lots of potential. I had been wondering what was going to happen to it. Well, just let me know if you re-do it. And keep up the good work!

MakeGamesHappen responds:

I am working on an OpenGL and WebGL engine.
Sorry I've been a hermit. I'll still need a year or so more before I get really
active on social media again. Gotta grind and learn new tech.
-John Mark

Holy crangdapple man! That was awesome! Instant 5 stars!

MakeGamesHappen responds:

Thanks for the kind words.

Credits & Info

3.33 / 5.00

Jan 31, 2018
12:39 PM EST