It's a nice idea, but I don't think the screen shaking is a very good simulation of what it would be to play drunk(although I'll freely admit that I haven't tried playing Breakout while drunk, so that's just conjecture on my part). And more to the point, it doesn't make for a very entertaining game, either(not that you're wholly to blame since it's still breakout, but at least most Breakout-clones have bonuses and such to offer some more variety).
I'd probably mess with the responsiveness of the controls instead(with maybe occasional black screen that lasts a few seconds, just to keep things interesting), making them respond with unpredictable amounts of lag(preferably tuned so that the lag is noticeable but doesn't make the game too hard at first) or something along those lines. At least that would better simulate drunkenness, IMO, though I have no idea if it would be any more entertaining(or less annoying).
Anyway, points for the idea. At least the game is playable enough for me to complain about the execution instead of complaining about bugs.