Pretty nice one. The drawing, the music, the action...
I just don't know what is going on. (Mostly fighting I see but who, why and what else?)
Ohh and the teeth could be less detailed in the few closeup shots. They seem odd for me.
7 month animation project, its actually the second animation I made in animate and it was pretty hard to actually get through.
This is the version I was going to release if I didn't have to get someone to edit it for me because my vegas broke so it's pretty rough in comparison
Pretty nice one. The drawing, the music, the action...
I just don't know what is going on. (Mostly fighting I see but who, why and what else?)
Ohh and the teeth could be less detailed in the few closeup shots. They seem odd for me.
Thankyou so much for the feedback, I really agree with all of the mistakes you pointed out but I have some tangible ish reasons why a lot of them exist
1: I made this for the JAR media community who are very familiar with the random scenes in this, you can see where a lot of the things I recreate in this come from in here though the flow and pacing of it make no sense at all to someone who isn't really a fan, I basically jumped into this thing having no storyboard or anything
2: a lot of the faces are a mixture of copied screenshots and completely made up animation and I wasn't really very experienced with animating so copying felt easier when I could actually look at a screenshot but then made the whole thing very inconsistent.
Love the song from Naruto. Great use of it. And really like the visuals and animation. I always says that the right song can motivate an animator. Especially this one. Looking forward to the next one.