Two stick figures battle it out for no good reason, like just about every other stick fight ever.
Music: Sonic Green Hill Zone (Shintek Trap Remix)
Hyuns Dojo Page:
Youtube version:
This is my first 'big' animation project, which I used to pretty much learn the 12 principles of animation. If you look carefully, you'll see parts where I definitely didn't know what I was doing. I had to redraw several segments in the animation, just because they were so BAD.
Here are some tips if you are starting animation, which may save you from the pain I endured.
1. Study and learn your tools. Especially symbols and 'object drawing mode'. They are your greatest asset!
2. Organise your layers. Folders are your friend.
3. Always do the best quality you can do. Otherwise, there may be backtracking!
4. Don't be afraid to ask for feedback from experienced animators. I didn't expect this, but Gildedguy actually took some time to look at my animation on stream, which really helped!
5. Be patient and have fun! Rome wasn't built in a day, and its important not to lose sight of your goal. Keep at it and you'll pull through!