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Escape of Prisoner

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A glitch in a prison complex could be something terrible, and it's up to you to take advantage of those glitches to escape. Avoid the cops, collect the coins and use the power ups to run the 1 km that separates you from freedom.

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loved everything about it except for the fact that there is no pause button, well done!

Wow, this game is really interesting)

The game is OK, but it gets boring after a while.
Also, I don't know if it's intentional, but after about 900m of running coins stopped appearing and then everything (besides the background and platforms) disappeared. "You escaped!" text was shown afterwards.
The running sound is a bit too loud for me and I think that you should add a victory screen.


I ran 1000 meters before I got bored.

I think this is quite solid, just a few remarks:

- not being able to shoot exploding barrels makes no sense to me :)
- the green gate thingy: it's a noob trap. It looks like a checkpoint....it is even colored green. What the heck is that anyway?
- the feedback the player gets when he takes damage could be enhanced. Perhaps a louder sound with a heart disappering? The green gate does not even make any sound.
- the walking sound is too loud, it kinda overwhelms other sounds in the game (see above) except for coin pickups
- adrenalin and dredge line pickups...they do the same thing don't they?

I have no other issues here. You might consider looking at these points and add some more content and it will be a great game.

Credits & Info

3.06 / 5.00

Dec 19, 2017
11:15 AM EST